Have you, or someone you know, been affected by Super-storm Sandy? Are you unsure of what you can do to get your life back to normal? Need someone to talk to? Are you uninsured? Lacking resources? Depressed or anxious? Think you might need help and not sure where to turn? LDRNY is here for you.
Make a NO COST appointment for a face-to-face conversation with a Disaster Relief Manager who knows what you are going through and can help you:
- Get Assistance from Government Agencies – whether Federal, State or Local.
- Advocate for You and Family Members.
- Make a “Master” Plan for Your Recovery.
- Keep Track of Your Case and “The Next Step.”
- Find Local Solutions that Work!
- Find recovery committees in your community.
Disaster Case Manager(DCM) Program Eligibility:
Anyone affected by Sandy who has a disaster-related unmet need in New York is eligible to work with a DCM – regardless of immigration status or FEMA application status.
The Disaster Case Management program assists individuals by:
- Offering information and referral services.
- Preparing a comprehensive assessment of client needs.
- Developing an individualized disaster recovery plan.
- Advocating to resolve unmet needs, assisting with appeals and facilitating access to available benefits and services.
- Maintaining ongoing contact with clients.
- Initiating or participating in case conferencing, where needed, with other service providers.
- Helping clients with access to unmet needs and long term recovery committees in their communities.